Stover Scholar named Valedictorian of Waynesburg University
Stover Scholar Daniel V. Czajkowski, a criminal justice major from Frederick, MD was named one of five valedictorians for Waynesburg University’s class of 2014. Below his is valedictory address.
Waynesburg University! Good afternoon!
President Lee, Provost Core, Trustees, deans, distinguished faculty, esteemed guests, family, and friends, thank you for joining us, the Class of 2014, for this most memorable occasion.
Fellow graduates, here we are. Across the United States this year, more than one and a half million students are graduating with bachelors’ degrees. With so many graduates holding degrees similar to our own, we might wonder what makes us different.
While any one of us could have attended another institution, the grace of God and the mystery of divine providence led us here, to the foothills of southwestern Pennsylvania. It is that very fact that makes us different, and that fact is significant.
Remember that because Waynesburg is a unique institution, we are unique graduates.
Remember that achievement is not measured by money earned or items owned, but by lives touched and institutions transformed. Remember that success is not derived from the titles that will be behind our names, but from the title of Him in whose name we go forth from this place.
Remember that failure is never final and that struggle breeds strength.
With this in mind, let our resolution to pursue lives of purpose for the glory of God and in service to others remain undaunted, undiminished, and unwavering. May our Jacket Pride forever emanate from this campus, and may our light forever shine in the darkness.
God bless you, and Fiat Lux.